Ha! At last, Safaricom are call us out. You know the guys who rushed to have business paybill numbers for fear of being left out? Yes, they’re on our case and all dormant paybill numbers will be closed by the end of the month so we’ve been advised to withdraw any remaining funds by 30th March 2024 or it will be transferred to the Unclaimed Financial Assets Authority. The truth is, I don’t want my money going to an authority that I think swallows everything it receives. Who has ever recovered their unclaimed financial assets from that authority? I took the paybill because I was looking at property management, especially for residential apartment blocks or small commercial buildings and at the time, I knew it would be easier to handle the transactions through a paybill. I am still trying to access my account to withdrawal the funds before its close.

I am trying to reach the Microsoft office in Kenya. Googles shows that they are in Nairobi at The Oval, however the numbers provided don’t go through and neither is the number shown as belonging to The Oval. Anyone knows how I can reach the local Microsoft office? A phone number or email will do.

I chatted with Henry, an agent from Nakuru. He is helping me find a rental for a client who plans to relocate to Nakuru in April. I love meeting new people and growing my network. Now Henry has joined by network and I’ll be helping him with any Nairobi related property business as he handles my Nakuru side. This is how the real estate business works. That is why your agent can find you a property from any part of the country.

“Hallo, my name is Linda and am calling from Rentyme”

I received that call late one evening and Linda was trying to sell me a property management software. I explained to her that I don’t require it at the moment. I enjoyed our conversation. I could tell that she was jovial and really committed to selling the software. After the call, I thought for a while about how I can help her sell it, but couldn’t come up with a better way than what she was doing. You see, most agents already have a system for managing their clients accounts. They use excel. The big ones have custom made software or cloud-based solutions. Tech has made it easier for landlords to collect and manage their properties. Maybe Linda should call landlord instead of agents. Anyway, if you are in need of a property management software, please reach out to Linda of Rentyme.

So, Maureen, my business coach, informed me that we should push our session to next week. We usually meet on Monday. At the end of the coaching, I will have a detailed Marketing Strategy and revise the existing business profile. Its thrilling and tiring at the same time. It is like going back to school, but this time you know its reality and not just imaginary exam problems you’re solving. The homework, is your reality. I was happy that the session was postponed and I felt that I’ll use that time to review some of the strategies I had, but as usually, the review only happened on that day. What have I been doing for the rest of the week? Now the next session is tomorrow and I have to hurriedly update the ‘homework’ today. Maybe this was my big takeaway in school ‘leave everything to the last minute possible.’  Next week I’ll tell you how that went.

Ok. We’re at month 3 and I can count on my fingers the number of times I have exercised. No, it wasn’t my new year resolution because I thought about it in December and started on 27th to be precise. I have a target of losing 12 kgs through exercise and healthy eating. I can say without fear of contradiction that neither the exercise or healthy eating goals have scored above 25% so far. The good thing is that I think about it often and every Sunday, I tell myself that from Monday, I’ll start and be committed. Perhaps by writing it here and promising you a weekly update, I’ll actually get up and do it. I’m starting at 67 kgs and target 55 kgs within 12 months hoping to have developed a better lifestyle by the time I hit my target. If you’re stuck like me, let me know we start journeying together and keeping each other accountable. Wait for the update next week!

I downloaded my 2024 Practicing Certificate from Estate Agent Registration Board website. We’re now waiting for the gazettement of the same. You see in Kenya, there’s a law, the Estate Agents Act Cap 533, that makes it illegal to operate as an estate agent without registration and a practicing certificate. Many operate illegally but I highly recommend you try and get registered before you become an example to ‘others not before the court’. If not registered, you risk facing jail term or heavy fine. When dealing with a clever client, they can refuse to pay knowing that you are operating illegally and can’t sue them.

Yesterday I had a physical meeting with my family, not biological. We meet virtually often and occasionally we have a physical meeting. We’re connected by our love of God and one another (work-in-progress). But it was amazing. Did you know that you do not have a personal purpose but rather you fit into the overall purpose of God? When you are in your place value, then His will is done on earth as it is in heaven. See how applicable your class 4 decimal point math is now? I’ll be sharing some tit bits from my family discussion and occasionally you will be invited to tune in.

And to wind up the week, I got a call from a former client, a buyer. He wants to put his property back in the market. Reason – water troubles! I live in Nyayo Estate, Embakasi and one major thorn in the flesh is water (read lack of it). Nairobi Water supplies only half of what we require and we also have an internal distribution mechanism that requires a rocket scientist to understand. So, the poor supply plus a complex distribution matrix means that some parts of the estate are disadvantaged. My client happens to fall under this disadvantaged lot. Anyone who knows how we can sweet talk Nairobi Water into boosting our supply? If you can, I’ll guarantee you the estate will vote for you whichever position you’ll vie.

Water for Nyayo

I finish off by introducing myself – I am Lucy Wanjiru, a licensed and registered estate agent currently based in Nairobi. I’m the founder and head of property at Home Hunters. If you are looking to buy, sell or rent a property reach out to me on +254 (794) 764 373 or email homehunterske@gmail.com. I will take you through the buying or selling process and walk the entire journey with you. You can also reach out for consultation on any real estate related matter.


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